Bloomsbury Books, Las Vegas, NV, Estados Unidos de America
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Vendedor de AbeBooks desde 27 de mayo de 2008
Offered is the Autumn-Winter 1990-1991 issue of "Somatics: Magazine-Journal of the Bodily Arts and Sciences" (Vol. 8 No. 1) edited by Thomas Hanna and published by the Novato Institute for Somatic Research and Training out of Novato, California. A quality-produced magazine with glossy covers, measuring 8-1/2" by 11" and containing 68 pages including front and rear covers. Containing articles and reviews, photographs and illustrations, Contents include: Clinical Somatic Education: A New Discipline in the Field of Health Care by Thomas Hanna (with four photos); Convergent Acupuncture-Biofeedback: A New Somatic Therapy for Pain Control and Health Enhancement by George Fritz; The Body as Healer: A Revisioning of Trauma and Anxiety by Peter D. Levine (a condensation of the introductory chapter in the author's upcoming book, 'The Substitute Tiger'); Rhythmic Movement Competency: The System of Somatic Educator Phyllis S. Weikart by Darrell Williams and Vincent Bradford (with two photos); Applications of 'Being in Movement' In working with Incest Survivors by Paul Linden; A SOMATICS Symposium: Contributing Editors Look to the Future (Moving into a Somatic Future by Elizabeth A. Behnke; A Holy Curiosity by Richard Strozzi Heckler; Somatics and Civil Society by Don Hanlon Johnson; Ushering in a Century of Integration by Ilana Rubenfeld). Staples rusted, else Fine. N° de ref. del artículo 014733
Título: Somatics: Magazine-Journal of the Bodily ...
Editorial: Novato Institute for Somatic Research and Training, Novato, CA
Año de publicación: 1990
Encuadernación: Magazine
Condición: Fine
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