Social Work Today (Volume Vol. IX Number No. 3) (January 1942) (Magazine): Frank C. Bancroft (... Social Work Today (Volume Vol. IX Number No. 3) (January 1942) (Magazine): Frank C. Bancroft (...

Social Work Today (Volume Vol. IX Number No. 3) (January 1942) (Magazine)

Frank C. Bancroft (Editor) and Social Work Today, Inc.

Editorial: Social Work Today, Inc., New York, NY, 1942
Usado Magazine

Librería: Bloomsbury Books, Las Vegas, NV, Estados Unidos de America Calificación del vendedor: 5 de 5 estrellas Valoración 5 estrellas, Más información sobre las valoraciones de los vendedores

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Offered is the January 1942 (Vol. 9 No. 3) issue of "Social Work Today," a journal, as described, "of progressive social work, thought and action." Edited by Frank C. Bancroft and published by Social Work Today, Inc. out of New York City. A magazine measuring 7-1/4" by 9-7/8" and containing 36 pages including front and rear covers. Of particular note is the article entitled "Minorities, Too, Have Rights" by Inabel Burns Lindsay and Ophelia Settle Egypt, Faculty, Howard University, on why the upcoming 1942 National Conference of Social Work should NOT be held in New Orleans, as proposed (comments include: "Two issues stand out clearly in the consideration of the Conference's decision regarding a southern meeting. One of these is the fact, undisputed by proponents or opponents, that a meeting in the Deep South will require acceptance of unfavorable discrimination against the Negro membership and potential membership. The remaining issue, that of the value to the South of such a meeting, is admittedly controversial" - "The Conference says that there will be 'adequate housing' for all delegates. That housing for Negroes in New Orleans is extremely poor, is generally conceded by persons who have experienced it" - "The very fact that 'Negro delegates' must write a special commitment for housing facilities, while white delegates may make reservations in the usual way, is a form of discrimination the Conference is forced to practice" - "Of the nine modern, well-equipped hotels on the Conference list, five are within walking distance of the auditorium - there are many famous old restaurants en route if the delegates wish to eat there instead of at the hotels" - "Now take a look at housing and eating accommodations for Negroes. There is not a single hotel to which a Negro delegate can go, nor is there a place in the entire city where he could have a single or double room with bath - Negro delegates will have to spend from one-half to one hour in transit to meetings. This involves riding on 'Jim Crow' street cars and busses or the payment of taxi fare which will be twice as high as for delegates living in Conference hotels. Incidentally, certain taxi cab companies refuse to accommodate Negro passengers" - "As to eating accommodations, there is not one Negro restaurant to compare with any of the famous old restaurants which the president seems to assume will be available to all delegates. There is only one usable restaurant for Negroes within walking distance of the auditorium."). Other articles include: Social Services in a Soviet Village; Along the Kendaia [Corners] Sector ("Bad housing and poor sanitation jeopardize the welfare of thousands of workers' families as they pour into the Finger Lakes region [New York] to do a job for victory"); Volunteers and Civilian Defense. Covers show light to moderate wear. N° de ref. del artículo 014757

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Detalles bibliográficos

Título: Social Work Today (Volume Vol. IX Number No....
Editorial: Social Work Today, Inc., New York, NY
Año de publicación: 1942
Encuadernación: Magazine
Condición: Very Good
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