Title continues "Also, Statistics of the Town Returns in 1850, as Required by the Act to Ascertain the Ratable Estates within this Commonwealth. Also, Statistics of the United States Census, as Taken and Returned by the Marshall, for June 1850." 51 pp, in original printed wrappers. Deaccsessioned (though it's hard to imagine why) from the New England Historic and Genealogical Society, with related markings. Wrappers chipped at the edges and partial detached at spine. Binding sound and text clean. An excellent source of local historical and genealogical information for Framingham, Massachusetts and vicinity, this pamphlet provides the names of more than 500 land owners (listed by Ward), along with a short description of the person's real estate holdings (e.g. "Barn, 17 acres mowing and pasture, 2 acres peat meadow, 14 acres deer swamp" or "Buildings, Homestead 22 acres, Meadow 4 acres, Clay Pit lot 7 1/2 acres"), followed by a valuation for each element of the real estate, as well as for their total "personal estate," if any. Statistical tables at end provide demographic details, numbers of people involved in various occupations, and interesting information about the numbers and types of buildings (mills, factories, shops, barns etc.), land (acres of tillage land divided by crop), livestock, and equipment for the textile industry (looms, spindles, carding machines) in Framingham. A scarce item, not found in OCLC. N° de ref. del artículo 19531
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