208 pp. In Spanish language. RARE. A near fine, complete and intact, unread copy, with many uncut pages. In it's fragile original wraps, now in a protective clear Mylar cover and housed in a well done, custom clam shell case as photographed. Printed in Albany, New York and edited by Buckingham Smith (1810-1871) from the manuscript compiled by Fr. Nentuig or Nentvig, a native of Bohemia. He arrived in Mexico in 1750 and was shortly sent to the missionary outposts of Sonora where he wrote Rudo Ensayo. He died at Ixtlan, Nayarit, during the brutal forced march out of the country. He is actually credited with having started cattle ranching in this part of Mexico. Reprinted twice and uncommon in their own right, this rare first edition book is a major source on this area of Sonora -- the Apacheria, Pimaria and Papago lands, which included Arizona, for this period. Valuable information is contained regarding the Apaches and Seris, and other tribes, as well as the missions, mines, crops, and other natural resources of the region. Limited to 160 copies, it is said only eighty copies of this first edition were actually printed according to Eberstadt 138:38, Howell 52:244 states edited from a contemporary copy in the Mexican archives, it provides a comprehensive survey of the natural history of the northern frontier of New Spain, as well as valuable information on the Indians that inhabited the area -- in particular the Apaches, Pimas, and Papagos. Howes S578, Palau 280965, Sabin 73899, Bancroft Mexican States, I:, 544, 563, and note 23: Dunne Balthasar, pp 47,55. Not a rebound copy but appearing to be in its original wraps. MUSEUM QUALITY. N° de ref. del artículo 005600
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Detalles bibliográficos
Título: Rudo Ensayo, Tentiva de una Prevencional ...
Editorial: Munsell, San Augustin, de la Florida
Año de publicación: 1863
Encuadernación: Original Wraps
Condición: Near Fine
Condición de la sobrecubierta: No Jacket
Edición: 1st Edition