1 vol. in-8 (17 x 24,5 cm), LXXIV, 1077 pp., demi-percaline de l'éditeur, reliure légèrement défraîchie, intérieur en très bon état. Ce volume est en grande partie consacré à la rachianesthésie (les autres sujets traités lors de ce congrès, moins développés, concernent les résultats éloignés du traitement chirurgical de l'ulcère du duodénum, et les suites éloignés de la trépanation du crâne pour lésions traumatiques) . La rachianesthésie fit en effet l?objet d'un grand débat à ce Congrès de chirurgie. A la suite d'une vaste enquête internationale, Forgue et Basset établissent, dans ce rapport remarquable et devenu classique, les indications, les avantages et les contre-indications de la rachianesthésie. Ce rapport occupe les pages 199-367 de ce volume. Il existe, à la suite de ce rapport, de nombreuses communications de différents auteurs exposant leur expérience de la rachianesthésie (pp. 367-564). REFERENCES : Schulte am Esch J & ?Goerig M: The History of Anaesthesia: The Fourth International Symposium on the History of Anaesthesia, 1998, ?p. 493: "In 1928, the French Association of Surgery asked Professors Forgue and Basset to prepare a report on spinal anesthesia for its annual meeting. These rapporteurs collected 104 datasets including 222,467 cases treated with spinal anesthesia. THIS REMARKABLE REPORT WAS A LANDMARK IN THE HISTORY OF SPINAL ANESTHESIA."; Parsloe C: Deliberate total spinal anesthesia: proponents and techniques (1901?1948), International Congress Series, 2002, 1242, 169-172: "The first and subsequent spinal anesthesias were for operations on the lower extremity. Within 2 years, Tuffier used spinal to operate on the abdomen and kidney. Other surgeons began to explore the possibility of using deliberate total spinal anesthesia. In 1901, Morton described the use of spinal anesthesia for operations on all regions of the body. Le Filliâtre in 1901, Chaput in 1907, Jonnesco in 1908 and Koster in 1928 also used high levels of analgesia in what was called general spinal anesthesia. This was meant as distinctive from general inhalation anesthesia. It is remarkable that large series of operations on the thorax, neck and head were performed with deliberate total spinal anesthesia. After 1930, with admonition from Forgue and Basset, the use of total spinal anesthesia declined. They stated that the safety of spinal anesthesia resided in lower levels and suggested no total spinal, not even a high spinal, should be administered. The first anesthesiologists who used total spinal anesthesia for purposes of deliberate hypotension and decreased blood loss were Griffith and Gillies.". N° de ref. del artículo 14884-2
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Detalles bibliográficos
Título: LA RACHIANESTHESIE : état actuel de la ...
Editorial: Paris, Felix Alcan, 1928
Año de publicación: 1928
Encuadernación: Couverture rigide
Condición: Bon
Edición: Edition originale