William Chrisant & Sons, ABAA, ILAB. IOBA, ABA, Ephemera Society, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Estados Unidos de America
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Vendedor de AbeBooks desde 30 de junio de 2010
Full gilt ruled & floriated diced calf; dimunitive Greek key to inner dentelles. All edges gilt. Two column Greek and facing Latin translation. A major source of La Fontaine. "A noteworthy Aesop edition. It ranks in importance with the Accursio edition of 1479 and with the . Estienne edition of 1546. . This edition enlarges the corpus of ancient fable literature considerably; 136 specimens are printed here for the first time. Added are the fables of Babrius, Avianus, Phaedrus, and Abstemius, and an attempt has been made by the editor to lift the fable literature from the level of the schoolbook to that of an entertainment for adults. . The book is adorned with woodcuts by Virgil Solis [1514-1562] who brought to this task an inexhaustible imagination and much love and understanding, particularly for the world of animals. Almost all of them are signed with the monogram of the artist." William Salloch, Catalogue 259. A little tightly sewn at the gatherings but without affecting text or woodcuts; title page, however adhered to fly at gutter lifting the "I" in Isaaci. Boards nearly detached. Henry Huth (Ex Musaeo Huthii) oval bookplate to front pastedown. This copy sold at Park Burnet's sale of Edward Hubert Litchfield's library in 1951. N° de ref. del artículo 8820
Título: Mythologia Aesopica, in qua, Aesopi Fabulae ...
Editorial: Nikolaus Hoffmann, Frankfurt
Año de publicación: 1610
Ilustrador: Virgil Solis
Condición: Very Good
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