1836-1844. Eight volumes bound in four (all published). 12mo (177 x 110 mm). xvi, 256; viii, 282, [2]; vi, 330; [4], 151 [1], 197 [1], [2]; [4], 340; [6], 326; [8], 116, 235 [1]; [2], 108, 254 pp., including 2 (1 folding) lithographed plates, 1 coloured engraved map, 2 folding engraved tables, 1 folding letterpress table, several illustrations and diagrams in text. Bound in contemporary uniform half cloth with gilt-lettered spines (little rubbing and chipping to extremities). Text little age-toned only, occasional minor foxing and brown spotting, light dampstaining to second part of vol. 1839, otherwise generally quite crisp and clean. Provenance: Teyler Museum, Haarlem* (ink stamps "Bibliotheque Musée Teyler Haarlem to title pages and upper and lower edges); Dieter Schierenberg b.v. (acquired from them in 1986). A very good copy, rarely found complete as here (no volume was issued for 1842). ---- DSB XII, p.234; ADB 33, p.32-33. - A complete set of the FIRST EDITION of Schumacher's Jahrbuch also known as Astronomisches Jahrbuch. The yearbooks contain astronomical and other scientific topics as well as astronomical ephemerides and were published by the Gauss student and head of the Sternwarte to Altona, Heinrich Christian Schumacher, "one of the most important friends and partners of Gauss" (HAB, Mass, number and weight, 5.16). The volumes contain contributions by Bessel, Olbers, Oersted, Gauss, Berzelius, von Humboldt and others, often in first edition. Amongst others are articles from Gauss (Erdmagentismus und Magnetometer, Erstdruck) in 1836; a first printing of Alexander v. Humboldt (On two attempts to climb the Chimborazo) in 1837, as well as BESSEL'S, investigations on the distance of the 61st of the Swan in Jahrgan 1839. Without year 1842, which never appeared. All the yearbooks are rare. A complete set as here is of exceptional rarity with no copies traceable in the antiquarian and auction book trade. Die Jahrbücher enthalten astronomischen u. anderen naturwissenschaftlichen Themen sowie astronomische Ephemeriden und wurden herausgegeben vom Gauss-Schüler und Leiter der Sternwarte zu Altona Heinrich Christian Schumacher, "einer der wichtigsten Freunde und Briefpartner von Gauss" (HAB, Mass, Zahl u. Gewicht, 5.16). Die Jarbücher enthalten Beiträge von Bessel, Olbers, Oersted, Gauss, Berzelius, von Humboldt und anderen Autoren, häufig in Erstdruck. Unter anderem sind Artikel enthalten von Gauss (Erdmagentismus und Magnetometer, Erstdruck) in Jahrgang 1836; ferner einen Erstdruck von Alexander v. Humboldt (Ueber zwei Versuche den Chimborazo zu besteigen) in Jahrgang 1837 sowie BESSEL'S, Untersuchungen über die Entfernung des 61.Sternes des Schwan in Jahrgan 1839. Ohne Jahrgang 1842, der nie erschienen ist. Sämtliche Jahrbücher sind selten. Ein vollständiger Satz wie hier von extremster Seltenheit und im Antiquariats- und Auktionshandel für uns nicht nachweisbar. *This is an ex library copy from the famous Teylers Museum in Haarlem, the only museum in the Netherlands that has been open to the public continuously since 1784. Its authentic interior, containing the original objects, has remained the same since then. So Teylers can justly lay claim to the title of being the first and oldest museum in the Netherlands. The library is interesting for itself. There is no other library in the Netherlands with such a beautiful and complete collection of literature from the 18th and 19th centuries about botany, zoology, and the earth sciences. In total, the book and journal collection consists of more than 125,000 volumes. Major acquisitions continued to be made until approximately 1940. Since then, the library has no longer been a place for finding out about the latest scientific developments, but primarily as a museum room of historic interest. (source: Tylers Museum website). - Visit our website for additional images and information. N° de ref. del artículo 002721
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