486 pp. First edition; 3/4, black polished calf; marble boards; red morocco label, gilt stamped, affixed to spine; fold-out map; numerous charts throughout. [vii]-xv; [1]-486. Binding tight; boards edges rubbed; corners lightly bumped; internally pristine; see additional image provided. Maw, a Royal Navy Officer, began his journey in the Andes and navigated almost the full length of the Amazon river where he made detailed soundings of its depth. Little description of natural history or surroundings. Borba 541. Quoting the Preface: "Having crossed the Continent of South America, from the shores of the Pacific to the Atlantic, by a route little known; having descended the Mara?on, the largest river of the world, for about three thousand miles; and, having been seized as a prisoner by the MIlitary Commandant of a district in Brazil, it became my duty, on my arrival in England, to report what had occurred at the Admiralty. I did so; mentioning at the same time, that I had some rough notes of a Journal; these notes I was directed to arrange, and sent in. Whilst occupied in preparing my Journal for the Admiralty, some friends recommended my publishing; and feeling that, however deficient I may be in the qualifications necessary to become a good author, it is possible my Journal may contain some information that may be of service to the public,--and, perhaps, tend to the improvement of the countries and the wretched people amongst whom I passe[d]. Size: 8vo. 0.0. N° de ref. del artículo 3484
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