SUBTITLED: With a Sketch of E.A. King's Brigade, Reynold's Division, Thomas' Corps in the Battle of Chickamauga. BOOK DESCRIPTION; 8vo; x, 416 pgs, map, illustrations, portrait plates. Original red cloth with gilt titled spine. With Illinois Loyal Legion Commandery bookplate. CONDITION DESCRIPTION: Light soiling and shelf rubbing; evidence of label removal on spine; else nice condition. Interior has the MOLLUS bookplate on front endpaper, with no other marks; else pages are clean and tight. With clear, mylar wrapper. CONTENTS DESCRIPTION: The 68th Indiana Volunteer Regiment was organized at Greensburg on 19 August 1862. It was immediately sent to Louisville, Kentucky and departing there on 25 August, it moved to Munfordville, where it fought a portion of Bragg's forces for two days and where most of the regiment was captured. Paroled to Indianapolis, it later served in Tennessee, fighting at Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, and Chattanooga. Includes a section of "Songs and Poetry of the War." Scarce regimental history, with few auction/catalog records of it being offered. REFERENCES: DORN IND#152; NEVINS I pg. 104: A straight regimental narrative, void of color and personal incidents; the author did use several diaries and collections of letters by comrades. COULTER 229: "High writes almost entirely from the impersonal viewpoint and thus makes his work more truly a regimental history and less a travel account. Using a great many diaries and other personal material of his comrades he has produced a somewhat composite picture of the upper South.". N° de ref. del artículo 0124068
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