Merchants Rare Books, Moab, UT, Estados Unidos de America
Calificación del vendedor: 5 de 5 estrellas
Vendedor de AbeBooks desde 13 de mayo de 2020
The Harvard Classics, Shelf of Fiction. Complete in 20 volumes. First edition set. Printed in 1917. Set is complete. Fake leather. These are limp semi softcover bindings. Poor condition. Loose. A lot of looseness. Set has signs of use. Some extremity abrasion. Some of the internal hinges are loose or internally split in some volumes. Still useful as a reading set as the paper is still good. I have sets in better condition. If condition matters please do not buy this one. Set is worn. Bindings are loose. Please do not buy this if looseness or wear is bothersome. â Â"â Â"â Â" This is the Harvard Classics, Shelf of Fiction, printed in 1917 in 20 volumes. This is not the Harvard Classics, Five Foot Shelf of Books, from 1909, in 51 volumes. If you are looking for the 51 volume set this is not that set. This is the fiction collection from 1917. These are softcover bindings which may be bothersome. These are limp bindings or near softcover. They display well as old books. In very good condition for being over 100 years old. Cloth not leather. These display well on a bookcase. Each volume will be well protected for shipping via Priority Mail in 2 boxes. International shipping via Priority Mail International. 2022.03.03 DG 3. N° de ref. del artículo 22.08.04.dg3
Título: THE HARVARD CLASSICS!1917 First Edition ...
Encuadernación: Encuadernación de tapa blanda
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