A two-volume set, enclosed in silk covered case, entitled Vanquish One s Enemies Volume1 is a collection of poetry by emperors, is titled Ressei shuso. Volume 2 is Seitoku yoko, could be translated as The Afterglow of Imperial Virtue, describing the virtues of the successive emperors. The books are like new but the silk covered case shows much edgewear, One of the clasps is missing, Write for for further details or more pictures. Here is the story: In 1940, Japan was into its third year of war with China, and relations with the United States were deteriorating, but it was a heady time for the Japanese nonetheless. That year, the Japanese commemorated the 2,600th anniversary of the founding of the Empire of Japan. According to the imperial myth-history, Emperor Jimmu, descended from the Sun Goddess Amaterasu, established the "unbroken imperial line" in 660 BCE. In carefully choreographed ceremonies throughout the empire, through new public monuments, with visual culture, and through heritage tourism, the Japanese celebrated the extension of imperial rule under the 124th emperor, Hirohito. These celebrations, the climactic moment for the ideology that was central to modern Japan's identity until the imperial cult's legitimacy. On November 10 and 11, a two-volume set presented to attendees of the Ceremonies for the commemoration of the 2,600th anniversary of the founding of the Empire of Japan, a ceremony and celebration presided over by Emperor Hirohito. 2600th Anniversary Celebration Association volume about the virtues of the successive emperors that was presented to each of the more than fifty thousand individuals who attended the 10 and 11 [ from Kenneth J. Ruoff, · Imperial Japan at Its Zenith - The Wartime Celebration of the Empire's 2,600th Anniversary ]. N° de ref. del artículo ebaycab
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