Printed wrappers, 4to, 44 pp. 529 lots. The highlights noted were the following: First Editions of R. L. Stevenson, the Writers of the '90s, W. B. Yeats, George Moore, John Masefield, D. H. Lawrence, Aldous Huxley, and others - Collected Editions of Stevenson, Morris, Conrad, Wells, etc. - Books illustrated by Aubrey Beardsley - Books printed at the Kelmscott, Golden Cockerel, and other Modern Presses, the whole in excellent condition. Also other properties, comprising fine books with coloured aquatint plates including Ackermann's Histories of Oxford, 2 vols, and Cambridge, 2 vols, the latter having the Portraits of the Founders, with the Microcosm of London, 3 vols - Shepherd's Views of London Buildings, bound up with Loutherbourg's Picturesque Views of Great Britain, etc. - Boydell's River Thames, 2 vols - Jenkins' Naval and Martial Achievements - Orme's Naval and Military Anecdotes - a Handsomely Bound Set of Miller's Costume of the Nations, 6 vols, red morocco extra - Fuseli's Costumes Suisses - Combe's Dance of Death, First Edition, 2 vols, and others. Rare Americana including the rare first edition of Champlain's Voyages faites en la Nouvelle France, original vellum, 1619 - Pynchon's Time when the First Sabbath was Ordained, 1654 - Herrera's History of America, 6 vols, 1725-6 - Stith's History of Virginia, 1747 - First Edition of the Proposed Prayer Book, Philadelphia, 1786 - Johnson's Taxation no Tyranny, 1775. The Fermiers Généraux Edition of La Fontaine'' Contes, 2 vols, contemporary French morocco - Rowe's Edition of Shakespeare, 7 vols - First Editions of Pope's Essay on Man, Four Parts, and others bound in 2 vols, folio - Behmen's Works, Best Edition, 4 vols - -a Splendid Set of the Tudor Translations, 44 vols, half crimson morocco extra - The Oxford Edition of Defoe, 20 vols - Elwin and Courthope's Pope, 10 vols, and other Sets in Handsome Bindings - Autograph Presentation Copies of Browning's Pacchiarotto, etc., 3 vols, and Hudson's Green Mansions, etc., 6 vols - First Editions of Stevenson's Treasure Island, Moore's Modem Lover, 3 vols, Kipling's Departmental Ditties, original wrapper, and others. The very rare early poems of Rupert Brooke : The Pyramids, 1904, and The Bastille, 1905 both in clean state as issued, to which are added interesting autograph letters and MSS. including MS. Seventeenth Century Transcripts of two University Plays, etc, - Several Letters from Sir Walter Scott - Original Autograph MS. of a Story by Charlotte Bronte - A Series of Eighteen Letters from George Gissing to his Sister - and others from John Galsworthy, D. H. Lawrence, etc. Wrappers somewhat duststained, staples rusted, a few corners folded, a few pencil marks, contents otherwise Good. N° de ref. del artículo ABE-59024
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