Printed wrappers, small 4to, 73 pp. 924 lots. The highlights noted were the following: "An important 13th Century French MS. containing an Early Miracle Play - An Interesting 15th Century Medical Manuscript - Rare Medical Treatises, with the Autograph of Vesalius and Notes by Securis - An early undated Edition of Arnoldus de Villa Nova - Early Books on Mathematical and Physical Sciences by Pacioli, Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler, with a fine copy of Gilbert on the Magnet, 1600 - Two Black-Letter Editions of Chaucer, 1561-1602 - Thomas's History of Italy, 1549 - An Example of Embroidered Binding - Roger Williams' Bloody Tenent yet more Bloody, 1652 - The London Gazette from 1665 to 1696 - A Fine Copy of Johnson's Dictionary, 2 vols, 1755 - The Fermiers Généraux Edition of La Fontaine, 2 vols, old red morocco, 1762, etc. Also the Valuable Modern Library by Order of the Right Honble. The Viscount D'Abernon, P.C., G.C.M.G., [removed from Esher Place, Surrey ] including Fine Examples of Old French and English Morocco Bindings - Handsomely Bound Folio Illustrated Books on Art - First Edition of De Quincey's Opium Eater - A Fine Set of Borrow's Celebrated Trials, 6 vols - A Set of the Edinburgh Edition of Stevenson, with the Life and Letters, 32 vols - First Edition of Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles, 3 vols, which are added a copy of Thackeray's Vanity Fair, 1847-8, in the original parts. The First Edition of Dickens' Pickwick Papers, bound in morocco extra, containing an Autograph Letter from the Author, written on making a present of a copy of the book - also First Editions of Dickens in the Original Parts - The Rare Original Edition of the Sporting Repository, and a Collection of Fine Coloured Aquatints by Aiken - Pyne's Royal Residences, 3 vols. Kipling's Echoes By Two Writers, Lahore [1884]. A clean copy of this Rare Brochure in the original wrapper. With First Editions of the Jungle Books, a Presentation Copy of the Collected Verse, and a Set of the Bombay Edition of the Works - also Fine Copies of First Editions of Shaw's Plays, Pleasant and Unpleasant, Widowers' Houses, &c., and a Presentation Copy of Barrie's My Lady Nicotine, together with a Collection of Modern Books on Art, formed by the late Miss Mary H. Bulley (removed from Green Hill Wood, Wrotham), comprising fine illustrated books on Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Furniture, Tapestry, Pottery, etc., the whole in new condition." Wrappers somewhat duststained and detached from textblock, staples rusted, a few corners folded, contents otherwise Good. N° de ref. del artículo ABE-59022
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