Wykeham Books, LONDON, Reino Unido
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4 vols in 2, original boards, 40, 328, [30], 334 + [6], 351, [6], 328, [4] pp. Bauer's 1770-72 catalogue of rare books, the four parts as first issued in 2 volumes, with volume 2 including Westphal, Andreas, Epistola I-[II] ad fratrem Christianum Westphalium, qua libri publica auctoritate combusti recensentur atque exhibentur, with a separate title page. 1. Theil. Von A-F. 1770 2. Theil. Von G-L. -1771.3. Theil. Von M-R. - 1771.; 4. Theil. Von S-Z. -1772. (Three supplements - not present here - followed between 1774 and 1791). First edition of this bibliographical catalogue of "rare books" (although Petzholdt commented, reasonably enough, that given the many thousands of entries they were not all as rare as Bauer (a bookseller), might indicate with his copious use of 'rarus, rarissimus' etc. Dibdin was more enthusiastic, writing in Bibliomania: "I will close., by exhorting the reader to seize hold of a work (whenever it comes across him, which will be rarely) entitled Bibliotheca Librorum Rariorum Universalis by John Jacob Bauer, a bookseller at Nuremberg, and printed there in 1770, 8vo., two vols.; with three additional volumes by way of Supplement. It is an alphabetical Dictionary, like Vogt's and Fournier's, of what are called rare books. The descriptions are compendious, and the references respectable, and sometimes numerous. My copy of this scarce, dear, and wretchedly-printed, work.cost me 5 [guineas]'. Small fragment of paper label on one spine, old number on one front free endpaper, initials "A.K. 1805" on title-pages of vols 1 and 3. Boards rubbed, joints showing a little wear or splitting although firm and sound; spine-ends lightly worn with one spine chipped at foot, last few leaves of vol.2 a trifle wormed with loss of an occasional character. Good, N° de ref. del artículo ABE-10008
Título: Bibliotheca librorum rariorum universalis, ...
Editorial: bey Jacob Bauer, Nürnberg, first edition, 1770-1772
Año de publicación: 1770
Encuadernación: Encuadernación de tapa dura
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