[Colophon]: Cet ouvrage a ete acheve d' imprimer le jour de la saint Seraphin, 12 Octobre de l' annee 1968 aux depens et pour le compte de Aline Elmayan editeur a Paris. Cette edition entierement originale, texte et illustration, de Marcel Marceau a ete concue et realisee par les soins de l' Editeur. L' Astree de corps 30 [type face] a ete specialment fondu pour le livre, par Deberny et Peignot. Le texte a ete compose et imprime chez Theo Brugiere. Les lithographies ont ete executes par l' auteur et tirees chez Deprest. Les aquarelles, brossees a la main a raison de 45 a 52 pochoirs par sujet, les crayons et les encres de Chine, sont dus aux Ateliers Daniel Jacomet. Le fer a dorer du title a ete grave par J B. Alivon. Les couvertures interieures, les emboitages et les portfeuilles ont ete realizes par Adine . [this portfolio & slipcase not present in this copy]. Size of binding: 12 5/8 x 17 6/8 , printed foreword + limitation page, followed by half-title; pp. [1]-[36] (including editor s note & titlepage), list of plates, colophon pages & copyright page. Illustrated with 30 high-quality reproductions of various types of artwork by Marcel Marceau: 20 in-text illustrations (4 are lithographs, and 16 are ink drawings), and 10 separate illustrations on d' Arches paper (6 of these are double sheets; 4 are watercolors and 6 are pencil/charcoal drawings). In an imaginative and finely realized design bookbinding by Swiss-born, American design bookbinder, Silvia Rennie, with a specially constructed drop-back box with a hidden drawer/pull-out tray to store the interactive plates that came with this book. The front cover is bound in fine grain, white morocco leather and the back cover in a fuller grain, black morocco leather, with the spine and sides covered in fine grain red morocco leather, cut in a scalloped pattern and applied to the sides of the covers, with titling in black and white lettering, with the title & author' s name wrapping around the red leather sides. Silvia Rennie has done her interpretation of the two Marceau illustrations of his famous character Bip (the face of Bip, facing the titlepage & the back of Bip s head, at the end of the text); these are treated as free-form cut-out leather onlays, the face of Bip in black & red (for the flower), and white and red on black for the back of his head on the back cover. Sewn, black & red double headbands, with the top-edge of the book stained in parallel lines of red & black. The sturdily-constructed drop-back box measures: 13 ½ x 18 ½ , and is covered in a textured, gray canvas-type cloth with an abstract form, red-brown leather spine label lettered with the title in black & white. When the box is opened it reveals the pull-out tray which is built into a specially made platform, which also supports the book; the inner surfaces of the box are lined in a thick, fine red suede leather to protect the binding. The book, loose plates and box are in fine condition, and represent a fine example of Silvia Rennie s work on a large format (folio) and fairly scarce book. This copy is one of the few out-of series copies over the 230 printed on velin d Arches paper (of an edition of 378 + 50 special copies). A first edition of one of the famous mime s other types of artistic efforts. The separate illustrations can be fitted into the running text and illustrations of the poem, and these separate illustrations are different from the in-text illustrations: Nous avons mis a la disposition de Marcel Marceau notre technique du livre avec la volonte de le liberer des contraintes. Un livre ne devrait pas etre immuable. Le lecteur devrait pouvoir y acceder et orchestrer l' illustration a sa convenance. Telle que vous la recevez, la disposition de cet ouvrage n' est qu' une proposition. Vous pouvez vous-meme en promener les images tout au long du texte. Elles ne sont pas foliotees. Vous en trouverez simplement la Table a la fin du livre. (From the Publisher s Note, p. [3]). N° de ref. del artículo F-4-1
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Título: La Ballade de Paris et du Monde. Texte, ...
Editorial: Aline Elmayan Editeur (1968). An out-of series copy of the (230+) copies on velin d Arches paper, with the suite of separate illustrations in a Silvia Rennie design binding and box with a pull-out tray for the separate plates.
Año de publicación: 1968
Encuadernación: Hardcover
Condición: Fine
Condición de la sobrecubierta: No Jacket
Edición: 1st Edition