[40] pp. First edition; stiff, manila, pictorial wrappers, printed black and white; spine unprinted; unbound sheets with text and 40 gravure black and white photographic plates with captions. Four 'decadas' complete; each with ten number plates, each plate with a single page of text in Portuguese, French, and German. Published by the Museu Paraense de Historia Natural e Ethnographia. The photographic plates are each numbered and printed on heavy card stock. They depict common varieties of trees, water plants, and low shrubs that are common to the region around what is today Bel?m and the island of Maraj? Some plates are sepia-tone, others various tones of black and white common to the period. The third and fourth decadas were published in 1906 and have "Museo Goeldi" on the head line. Huber was the director of the museum's botanical department. The work was printed in Zurich, Switzerland. There is no introduction present. Decada I and Decada II: the plates have no photographic credit (assumed to be by Huber); the text is in Portuguese and French by Huber. Decada III: has a selection of excerpts from botanical journals in French, German, and English. One in English from the Botanical Gazette, Jan. 1902 is the shortest (a paragraph) and states: ". . . each species is represented by at least a page of text. . . in parallel columns, and a plate. The plates are exceptionally fine, being heliotypes from remarkably good photographs. Many of the plants are represented in their natural setting, and the views of tropical plant formations are some of the finest seen. This series of illustrations is highly prized for its artistic and scientific excellence. In addition to illustrations of prominent genera, several plates represent characteristic plant societies, as a savanna and two illustrations of river borne vegetation. The composition of the plates range from OK to excellent?most are quite good. I.e., the photographer was able to give the reader an excellent idea of the overall shape, leaf design, bole, and character of the trees pictured. The two plates of victoria regia are only adequate whereas the hevea, palms, and castanha are excellent. It is interesting that the trees, all normally nearly impossible to differentiate when they are found in the rain forest, are photographed in isolation?as if they were somehow found without adjacent or contiguous growth?or the nearby trees had been cut down to isolate each of those photographed. Decada I wraps faded, spine chipped, corners chipped; Decada II wraps lightly soiled, spine, edges chipped; Decada III nearly fine; Decada IV wraps closed tears, surface loss; all excellent internally; see additional images provided. Size: 32.5 x 24.5 cm. 0.0. N° de ref. del artículo 3529
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