Stenography; or, Short-hand improved: Being the most compendious, lineal, and easy method hitherto extant. The persons, moods, tenses & particles which most frequently occur, are adapted to join with ease & accuracy at pleasure: the rules are laid down with such propriety, consistence, & perspicuity, that the practitioner will need no other assistance. The whole illustrated with an alphabetical praxis, adapted to all purposes in general, but more particularly to the three learned professions; namely, law, physic, & divinity. By John Angell, who has practised this art above 30 years.

John Angell.

Editorial: London: printed for the author & sold by A. Miller in the Strand, B. Martin & W. Owen in Fleetstreet, T. Kitchin engraver in Holborn, Messrs Hitch & Hawes, J. Buckland and R. Baldwin in Pater Noster Row, & P. Glass at the Royal Exchange. Entered in the Stationers Hall book., 1758
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