Hoelzel, Alfred, 1934-. The paradoxical quest: a study of Faustian vicissitudes - DAMAGED COPY WITH MARKINGS. New York: Peter Lang, 1988, vii, 171pp., moisture wrinkled wavy lower right corner of pages, light pencil lines, notations, and markings in margins throughout, almost every page, little or no actual underlining but marginal markings are persistent throughout, blue printed hardcover, previous owner's name. New Yorker Beiträge zur vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft ; Bd. 1. - MINIMAL BUT STILL USABLE AND READABLE COPY, with ancient moisture damage and markings throughout. - CONTENTS: Prologue in Paradise: Faust and the Fall - The Chapbook Faustus: Religious Heretic or Tragic Hero? - Marlowe's Faustus: Exit Lucifer, Enter Icarus - Goethe's Faust: A Triumphant Defeat - Mann's Doctor Faustus: Germany as Jekyll and Hyde - Conclusion: Retrospection and Reflection. -- Close comparative examination of the Faust legend and the Biblical tale of the Fall reveals an analogous paradox in the nexus of good and evil in both stories. Identifying this paradox as a quintessential sin qua non of the Faust quest, this study traces its development through the Faust tradition s four most important literary instances: the sixteenth-century German Chapbook, and the Faust works of Christopher Marlowe, Johann W. Goethe, and Thomas Mann. - Born in Vienna in 1934, Alfred Hoelzel emigrated to England in 1939 and came to Boston, USA, in 1948. Between 1950 and 1964 he studied Germanistics at the University of Massachusetts/Amherst (B.A.). Northwestern University (M.A.), and Boston University (Ph.D.). He has taught German literature at the University of Massachusetts/Boston since 1965 and held the position of Professor of German there since 1975. He is the author of Waller Hasenclever s Humanitarianism (1983) and of numerous articles in scholarly journals on Faustian literature, Holocaust literature, Lessing, Celan, and a comparative study of Büchner, Toller, and Koestler, and, most recently, Thomas Mann. 9780820408446 ISBN 0820408441. N° de ref. del artículo 91052
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