Andrew Cox PBFA, Shropshire, Reino Unido
Calificación del vendedor: 5 de 5 estrellas
Vendedor de AbeBooks desde 28 de noviembre de 2008
This is a nice small archive of First World War ephemera relating to a Sergeant Frederick G. Gale, consisting of two handwritten letters, both running to four sides each, and seven photographs, four of which have been made into postcards. The items were found in Eastleigh in March 2015, The then owner of the letters did a bit of research into Frederick Gale, and obtained a copy of his WW1 roll card of which there is a photocopy included Also he has written down a brief record of his service history when he was based in Persia with the 36th Indian Brigade, (one of the 4 page letters written in 1919 was sent while he was in Persia) He was also in The Hampshire Regiment before being transferred to the 36th Indian In the 1919 Persia letter he talks about hostilities ceasing and is waiting on news on when he can come home The other letter is only dated May 16th, but does not give the year, he mentions in the letter of a friend having a rough time in France, and he has heard that more men are to be conscripted from Blighty, etc, Both the letters were sent to his parents. A NICE LITTLE ARCHIVE RECORDING SOME OF SERGEANT GALE?S TIME IN SERVICE DURING WORLD WAR ONE. This is a lighter item, shipping costs will be reduced accordingly at checkout where possible. N° de ref. del artículo 003652
Editorial: Sergeant Frederick G. Gale
Año de publicación: 1919
Encuadernación: No Binding
Condición: Good
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