1981-1984 1) is a xerox copy of The Cambridge Quarterly Vol. X, Number 3, which contains Realism and Romance in The Heart of the Midlothian by Graham McMaster, with handwritten notation "1981, To Dr. . . Bushnell / [signed] Graham McDonald". 2) A lengthy and contentious 3 page typed and hand signed letter, addressed to Nelson S. Bushnell, Prof. Emer, Williams College, PO Box 184, Williamstown, Ma 01267 USA from Graham McMaster, Faculty of Letters, Tohoku University, Kawauchi SENDAI, 980 Japan. Dated September 4, 1984, McMaster is confronting Bushnell over his review of McMaster's book "Scott and Society", with Bushnell's notations. 3) Bushnell's 4 page handwritten response, with corrections. 4) Two page typed copy of the handwritten version, with yet more corrections by Bushnell. 5) One page, signed correspondence from G. Ross Roy of Studies In Scottish Literature, dated November 21, 1984, addressed to Bushnell, referencing McMaster's letter "I read your letter of McMaster with delight." All housed in a protective mylar sleeve. N° de ref. del artículo 009292
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