Gerard A.J. Stodolski, Inc. Autographs, Bedford, NH, Estados Unidos de America
Calificación del vendedor: 5 de 5 estrellas
Vendedor de AbeBooks desde 3 de agosto de 2010
DICKENS, CHARLES. (1812-1870). English novelist. Uncommon Manuscript Document Signed, ''Charles Dickens'', with a bold paraph under his name. One page, narrow oblong octavo with an impressed tax stamp on left hand side stating: ''One Shilling'' inside a royal crown. January 4, 1850. Fold marks, three tiny small clean tears at edges, else very fine condition. Dickens signs this receipt of twenty five pounds from Thomas James Thompson due him, regarding interest partially paid on a mortgage. The document reads: ''Recd. 4 Janry 1850 of T.J. Thompson Esq. the sum of twenty five pounds for one half years interest upon £1,000 due to me written of a certain Indenture of Mortgage bearing date the 20 day of Decr. 1847. The aforesaid sum of twenty five pounds being the half-year s interest which became due on the 20th day of December last, Charles Dickens.'' Financial instruments like this one, rarely appear in association with the great 19th century writers, as most were not [during this time period in history] thinking along these lines in terms of making investments. A choice item for the real estate professional or financial investor who happens to love Dickens!. N° de ref. del artículo 221762
Año de publicación: 1850
Encuadernación: No Binding
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