This 1853 receipt for the Printing Office and Stereotype Foundery of Albany, NY was signed by proprietor Joel Munsell upon receipt of a $12.75 payment (from Farmers and Mechanics Bank). The items on the receipt include "1 Annals Albany," "Cutting Strips for Money packages," "Filling Stamp, "Check Book for Western Rail Road," and "another order for "Strips for Money packages". Joel Munsell established himself as a printer in Albany, NY in 1827. He edited and published the Albany Minerva in 1828, was associate editor of the Microscope in 1834, and was publisher and editor of the New York State Mechanic from 1841 to 1843. Subsequently, he published The Lady's Magazine, the Northern Star and Freeman's Advocate, The Spectator, the Unionist, the Albany Daily State Register, the Guard, The New York Teacher, the Morning Express and Statesman, Webster's Almanac, The Daily Statesman, and for three years the New England Historical and Genealogical Register. He was elected a member of the American Antiquarian Society in 1854. The 5" x 8" receipt is decorated with an image of a printing press at the upper left corner, and it advertises that Munsell's printing office can provide "Books, Checks, Circulars, Blanks, &c. Stereotyped at Short Notice" and "Every description of Printing done with accuracy, neatness and despatch, And at the lowest possible prices for good workmanship." Condition: Fold lines, minor ink smudge, otherwise in very good condition with a large, strong signature. N° de ref. del artículo A01794
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