A new discovery of the prelates tyranny, in their late prosecutions of Mr. William Pryn, an eminent lawyer; Dr. Iohn Bastwick, a learned physitian; and Mr. Henry Burton, a reverent divine. Wherein the separate, and joynt proceedings against them in the high-commission, and Star Chamber; their petitions, speeches, . and execution of their last sentence, and the orders, . and close imprisonments in the castles of Lanceston, Lancaster, Carnarvan, and isles of Sylly, Garnsey and Jersy; the proceeddings [sic] against the Chestermen, and others . for visiting Mr Prynne; the Bishop of Chesters order, for ministers to preach against M. Prynne, . The House of Commons order for, and manner of their returnes from exile.

Prynne, William

Editorial: Printed at London: for M.S., 1641, 1641
Condición: Good Encuadernación de tapa dura

Librería: Humber Books Ltd, Kingston Upon Hull, Reino Unido

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