[CARLSBAD- now KARLOVY VARY]. SAUCKEL, Georg Valentin. Denkwurzdigheiten der Burgerlichen Scheiben-Schutzen-Gesellschaft in der Koeniglichen Stadt Kaiser Carlsbad von August Leopold Stoehr Kreuzheun-Ordens-Ritter und Obercaplan in Carlsbad; Mit Nachtragen vermehrt von Georg Valentin Sauchel. Karlsbad, 1839 - 1842. Neue Geschichte der Burgerlichen Schieben-Schutzen-Gesellschaft in der Koeniglichen Stadt Kaiser Carlsbad von Franz Franiech Schutzen-Hauptmann seit dem Jahre 1835. Mit einem Auszuge der aften Geschichte, asl Einleitung in die Neuere. Zusatze von Georg Valentin Sauchel. Karlsbad, 1847. 2 parts in one volume. Folio (15 4/8 x 10 inches). Autograph manuscript signed and dated, February 1842 and 1 June 1847, of two works concerning the 'Burgerliche Scheibenschutzen-Gesellschaft' [Town target-shooting society] of Karlsbad, signed by Sauckel. Original watercolour frontispiece portrait of four members of the Carlsbader Scheiben-Schulzen-Gesell in 1796, 2 manuscript title-pages, 3 sectional titles, 2 original watercolours in grisaille of a plan of the local shooting range and the shooting lodges, a portrait of 5 members sporting the new uniforms of 1796, the new division of the Schutzen-Gesellschaft in 1807 by Leopold Platzer, and another of the division commanded by Herrn Hauptmann Philipp von Miesel in 1807, that commanded by Herrn Hauptmann Joseph Schielhablt in 1825, and that commanded by unter Herrn Hauptmann Franz Franieck in 1836, a large folding engraved pictorial broadside commemorating the visit to Karlsbad of Kaiser Ferdinand I and his Queen Maria Anna Carolina on the 15th of September 1835, and the associated Schutzenfest, Sauchel's invoice from the society, and 2-page detailed plan listing all those performing in the Schutzenfest in 1835. Contemporary half brown roan, marbled paper boards gilt (worn with minor loss at that extremities). Provenance: with an elaborate presentation inscription to Odo William Leopold Russell, first Baron Ampthill (1829 1884), diplomatist, first British Ambassador to the German Empire (1870-1871), from Sauckel, 1 June 1847 A fair copy in a neat gothic script, comprising: 'Denkwurdigkeiten der Burgerlichen Scheiben-Schutzen-Gesellschaft in der Koeniglichen Stadt Kaiser Carlsbad von August Leopold Stoehr, Kreuzherrn-Ordens-Ritter und Obercaplan in Carslbad; Mit Nachtragen vermehrt von Georg Valentin Sauckel, 1839' Illustrated with full-page watercolour drawings, showing the society in their first uniform in 1796, the area which served as the shooting ground until 1786, the shooting gallery constructed in 1786, the first uniform of the society under Hauptmann Gabriel Seidl in 1796, a division of the society in 1807 (signed and dated 'Leop. Platzer gezeichnet 1807'), the uniform under Philipp von Miesel in 1807 and the uniform under Hauptmann Joseph Schielhabl in 1825; 'Neue Geschichte der Burgerlichen Scheiben-Schutzen-Gesellschaft in der Koeniglichen Stadt Kaiser Carlsbad von Franz Franieck Schutzen-Hauptmann seit dem Jahre 1835 Mit einem Auszuge der alten Geschichte, als Einleitung in die Neuere Zusatze von Georg Valentin Sauckel' Illustrated with a plan in pen and ink of the 'Fest-Zug zum Frei-Schiessen', a commemorative print for the shooting festival in memory of Emperor Ferdinand I and Maria Anna Carolina on 15 September 1835, a drawing with watercolour showing the uniform under Hauptmann Franz Franieck in 1836, and a printed 'Berechnung', completed in manuscript, for Sauckel, apparently showing his expenses as a member of the society. Sauckel's texts give in the fullest detail the history, changing regulations and yearly proceedings of Carlsbad's early shooting club. The Bohemian spa town of Carlsbad (now Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic), whose status as royal free city was accorded by Emperor Joseph I, was by the end of the eighteenth century one of the grandest resorts of central Europe. Schutzenfests are an ancient tradition in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, stretching. N° de ref. del artículo 72lib1357
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