Temeswar/Timisiora/Temeschburg, anno 1685, copperengraving by Wagner Johann Christoph Temeswar in der Zeit der osmanischen Besetzung. 1685 (nach Wagner: Delineatio Provinciae Pannoniae, Augsburg). Size of the sheet: 30 x 40 cm., small restorations, little brownish. English: Copper-plate engraving of the city of Timisoara (Temeswar), printed by Wagner in his Delineatio Provinciae Pannoniae, in Augsburg in 1685. It shows the city under Ottoman occupation. In fact, the drawing is an (incorrect) assumption that under Ottomans the Angevin fortress has remained the same, and the hills are fiction. The fortress has a rectangular form, with two parts (left and right in this picture). This structure was built by Charles the 1st of Hungary in

Wagner Johann Christoph

Año de publicación: 1685
Arte / Grabado / Póster Condición: Befriedigend

Librería: Hammelburger Antiquariat, Hammelburg, Alemania

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