Pictura Prints, Art & Books, Overasselt, Holanda
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Vendedor de AbeBooks desde 1 de noviembre de 2019
Etching/engraving on a verge type handlaid paper. on paper. Size in cm: The overall size is ca. 16.5 x 25 cm. The image size is ca. 16 x 23 cm. Size in inch: The overall size is ca. 6.5 x 9.8 inch. The image size is ca. 6.3 x 9.1 inch.Original antique print, titled: 'Le Chimiste'. It shows: interior view of a laboratory with an old man, seated on a stool and peering into a pot. He is observing the reaction of a substance that is being agitated through the application of a bellows manipulated by his young assistant. To the right a furnace with a stool with an open book in front of it. Separately published master print, published ca. 1760. Our definition of a Master Print is a seperately published print or series of prints, not being an illustrative print to a text. These can both be prints made by old masters (artists) or prints made by others (artists, engravers, etchers) after old masters.Artists and Engravers: Engraved by Carl Guttenberg after Frans van Mieris. Carl Gottlieb Guttenberg (1743-1792) was a German draughtsman and engraver. He received his initial training in Nuremberg and Bern before traveling to Paris in 1767 to study under the engraver Jean Georges Wille. After a brief sojourn in Basel (1772-3), he lived and worked in Paris, producing portraits, calligraphy, and illustrations from his own designs and those of other artists.Condition: Excellent, given age. The margins cropped to the platemark. General age-related toning and/or occasional minor defects from handling. Please study scan carefully, as it accurately reflects the condition of the print.Keywords: ANTIQUE PRINT-CHEMIST-LABORATORY-BELLOWS-ASSISTANT-CARL GUTTENBERG-MIERISPCOX-C7-03. N° de ref. del artículo ab3902
Título: Antique ...
Año de publicación: 1760
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