Time Tested Books

Time Tested Books

1114 21st Street
Sacramento, CA, U.S.A. 95811

Calificación del vendedor: 5 de 5 estrellas Valoración 5 estrellas, Más información sobre las valoraciones de los vendedores

+1 (916) 447-5696

Librería en AbeBooks desde 17 de octubre de 2000

Sobre este vendedor

Since 1981, Time Tested Books has provided the Sacramento area with quality second-hand and new books. We have an excellent selection of books, with tens of thousands of volumes on our shelves. In the 1990s, we added a small vinyl record section, where many excellent and obscure records can be found. Two thousand seven saw Time Tested move into a newly-renovated space next door. The move has allowed us to do literary and musical events, as well as lectures and book signings. Our stock ranges from very low-priced reading copies to rare collectibles. We deal with both hardcovers and paperbacks. We also special-order new books. While our strengths are in history, literature, political science, philosophy, biography, and social sciences, we have an excellent selection of drama, art & film history, children's books (including older children's series), mystery, poetry, science fiction, sports, and science. We buy books and records for cash or trade credit. We are proud to be a locally-owned, independent bookstore with a knowledgeable and friendly staff. Please enjoy browsing our listings. And stop by the store when you're in Sacramento!

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Catálogos del vendedor

New Arrivals

Books recently listed and updated regularly. Please check out our other catalogs.
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First Editions

Unless otherwise noted, when we designate a book a "First Edition" we mean a First Printing of the First Edition. Please contact us with any questions.
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Condiciones de venta

We require payment up front in the form of cash, check, money order, or Visa/Mastercard. We do not invoice indivuals. We will invoice US libraries but please arrange that before you order. Checks will be held for 5 working days or until funds clear. Customer pays reasonable shipping/insurance. Orders are returnable with persmission, but refunds apply only to cost of book and tax (in CA), not to shipping. 8.50% sales tax applies to California customers.

Condiciones de envío

Orders usually ship within 2 business days. Shipping costs are based on books weighing 2.2 LB, or 1 KG. If your book order is heavy or oversized, we may contact you to let you know extra shipping is required. We may also need to request extra shipping charges for overseas orders, depending on weight and destination.