['Specimen Copy' of first issue of magazine, with 'Tauchnitz Edition' catalogue bound in.] The Tauchnitz Magazine. An English Monthly Miscellany for Continental Readers. [With contributions by Bret Harte, E. Nesbit, Lady West and James Payn.]

Bernard Tauchnitz, Leipzig publisher [Bret Harte; E. Nesbit; Lady West; James Payn]

Editorial: Magazine: 'Edited published and printed by Bernhard Tauchnitz Leipzig.' No.1. August Catalogue: 'Bernard Tauchnitz Leipzig.' September 1891, 1891
Usado / Soft cover / Cantidad disponible: 0
Librería: Richard M. Ford Ltd (London, Reino Unido)
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Magazine: [8] + 80pp. In blue printed illustrated wraps. Internally in good condition, on aged paper, with unopened signatures, in worn and chipped wraps. Stamped in red at head of front cover: 'SPECIMEN COPY.' Announcement at foot of front cover: 'This magazine is not to be introduced into England or its colonies nor into the United States of America.' The first eight pages carry advertisments, as do both sides of the back wrap. The presence of the wraps is particularly notable, as the inside front cover carries a message from Bernard Tauchnitz, dated 'LEIPZIG, August 1st, 1891.', and beginning: 'We believe that by this new enterprise we shall satisfy a want long felt by all readers of English and American literature on the Continent, and especially by English and American tourists. The chief aim of our new venture will be the publication of good, new, short stories, which will be given complete in each number, an arrangement - hitherto, we believe, untried - which will, it is hoped, meet with general approval.' The contents are: 'The new Assistant at Pine Clearing School. By Bret Harte'; 'A Study in Grey | From the "Cornhill Magazine."'; 'The Blue Rose. By E. Nesbit | From "Longman's Magazine."'; 'My Uncle's Story. By Lady West | From the "English Illustrated Magazine."'; Paganiniana | From the "Cornhill Magazine."'| "The Closing of the Doors." By James Payn | From the "Forum."' | "Table Talk"; and 'The "Papercutter'. The 'Tauchnitz Edition' catalogue is in very good condition, tipped in at the rear, and consists of 16pp, 16mo. Listed are: 'Collections of British Authors'; 'Manuals of Conversation'; 'Collection of German Authors'; 'Series for the Young'; 'Dictionaries'. No copy recorded on WorldCat or COPAC for UK or USA. N° de ref. del artículo 14783

Detalles bibliográficos

Título: ['Specimen Copy' of first issue of magazine,...
Editorial: Magazine: 'Edited published and printed by Bernhard Tauchnitz Leipzig.' No.1. August Catalogue: 'Bernard Tauchnitz Leipzig.' September 1891
Año de publicación: 1891
Encuadernación: Soft cover

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