[Report from the Select Committee on Publications, together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. [with] Index to the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Publications.

[Report from the House of Commons Select Committee on Publications, 1908.]

Editorial: Both 'Report' and 'Index': 'Ordered by The House of Commons to be Printed 10th December' and both 'London: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office By Vacher and Sons Westminster House Great Smith Street S.W.', 1908
Usado / Soft cover / Cantidad disponible: 0
Librería: Richard M. Ford Ltd (London, Reino Unido)
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Report: 8vo, xvi + 115 pp. In original blue printed wraps. Index: 8vo, ten pages, unbound, continuing pagination to 126. Both items fair, on aged paper, and both carrying unobtrusive stamp of the University of Hull. Chipping and repair with archival tape to wrap of 'Report'. The Committee was 'appointed to examine the Publications printed by Order of this House [of Commons] or presented to it through Public Departments, and to call attention to any case in which unnecessary expense has been incurred'. Scarce: the only copy of the 'Report' on COPAC at Southampton, and no copy of the 'Index'. N° de ref. del artículo 10344

Detalles bibliográficos

Título: [Report from the Select Committee on ...
Editorial: Both 'Report' and 'Index': 'Ordered by The House of Commons to be Printed 10th December' and both 'London: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office By Vacher and Sons Westminster House Great Smith Street S.W.'
Año de publicación: 1908
Encuadernación: Soft cover

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