IN VERY GOOD CONDITION. A Collection of TRACTS with their own title pages and pagination, bound in 3/4 leather & marbled paper, raised bands on spine, top edges gilt, marbled endpapers, binding and hinges tight. The individual Tracts are as listed: ***The Life and Morals of Confucius, a Chinese Philosopher, Who Flourished Above Five Hundred Years Before the Coming of Jesus Christ. Being One of the Choicest Pieces of Learning and Morality Remaining of That Nation. Reprinted from the Edition of 1691 and edited by Josephus Tela - 1818. i-viii, ix-x, 11-115pp. ***The Life and Morals of Epicurus; Translated From the Greek by John Digby, with Comments and Reflections From Several Authors. To Which are Added, An Essay on the Morals of Epicurus by Monsieur St. Evermont. And Also, The Advice of Isocrates to Demonicus; Translated From the Greek by John Digby. Reprinted from the Edition of 1712, and Edited by Josephus Tela - 1818. xv [1] 233pp. ***The Morality of the East; Extracted From The Koran of Mohammed: Digested Under Alphabetical Heads. With an Introduction, and Occasional Remarks. To Which is Prefixed, A Short Abstract of His Life, Not In the Former Edition. Reprinted From the Edition of 1766 and Edited by Josephus Tela - 1818. Title [1] 96pp. ***The Political Mischiefs of Popery; or, Arguments Demonstrating, I. That the Romish Religion Ruins All Those Countries Where It is the Established Religion. II. That it Occasions the Loss of Above Two Hundred Millions of Livres, or Sixteen Millions Sterling, Per Annum, To France in particular. III. That, If Popery Were Abolished in France, That Kingdom Would Become Incomparably More Rich and Populous; and the King's Revenues Would Advance Above One Hundred Millions of Livres, or Eight Millions Sterling, Per Annum. IV. That It is Impossible That France Should Ever Be Re-Established, or Flourish, Whilst Popery Is Its National Religion, by A Person of Quality, A Native of France. Reprinted from the Edition of 1698 and Edited by Josephus Tela - 1818. xii, 13-180pp. ***A Catalogue of the Most Eminently Venerable Relics of the Roman Catholic Church; Collected by The Pious Care of Their Holinesses the Popes, the Most August Emperors, Kings, Princes, and Prelates, of the Christian World: Which Are to be Disposed of by Auction, At the Church of Saint Peter's at Rome, the 1st of June, 1753, by Order of the Pope, For the Benefit of a Young Gentleman of Great Rank. Reprinted from the Edition of 1752, and Edited by Josephus Tela - 1818. iv, 5-31pp. Covers show upper/lower backstrip wear/chips, with light corner/edge wear, small strips of leather peeled. N° de ref. del artículo 002536
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