CROMWELL, Oliver (1599 1658). An Ordinance for the better Maintenance and Encouragement of Preaching Ministers, and for uniting Parishes. Saturday September 2. 1654. London: Printed by William du-Gard and Henry Hills, Printers to His Highness the Lord Protector, 1654. Folio (10 x 6 4/8 inches). 16-pages, numbered 641-654. Woodcut arms of the Commonwealth of England on the cover/title, and first page of text, 10-line initial also incorporating the arms of the Commonwealth (disbound). Cromwell's government seeks to reorganize and so make more efficient the preaching of the gospel, and the raising of money, "Whereas many Parishes in this Nation are without the constant and powerful preaching of the Gospel, through want of competent maintenance and encouragement unto able and godly Ministers in such places; some Parishes in regard of their smalness, and of their propinquity and neighborhood, and the situation of their Churches or places of meeting, being very convenient to be united and other Parishes are so populous, and of so great an extent, that all the inhabitants thereof cannot with conveniency resort to their respective Parish-Churches; To the end some provision may be made herein, and the publique maintenance set apart for Ministers, and other pious uses, may be managed, improved and distributed for the future, so as may be most for the advancement of the Gospel, and encouragement of publique Preachers in all the places of this Commonwealth; And that the Augmentations granted or which shall be granted out of the same, may be more orderly issued and certainly paid, and the Revenue not overcharged: And whereas some doubts have been made, whether the Rents, Profits and Revenues of all Rectories Impropriate, Appropriate, Tythes, Donatives, Oblations, Obventions, First Fruits, Tenths, Pensions, Portions of Tythes Appropriate, and other things vested and setled in the Trustees named in one Act of Parliament, Entituled, An Act for providing maintenance for Preaching Ministers, and other pious uses, and in one other Act of Parliament, Entituled,An Additional Act for providing maintenance for Ministers, and other pious uses, or either of them for the uses therein mentioned, ought not by force of the Ordinance, Entituled, An Ordinance for bringing the Publique Revenues of this Commonwealth into one Treasury, to be paid into the Receipt of His Highness Exchequer". ESTC R210353. Catalogued by Kate Hunter. N° de ref. del artículo 72lib1277
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