Multiple-Unit Trains and HL Control: A Collection of Articles and Abstracts. Circular 1522

Railway and Light Department

Editorial: Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company, 1912
Usado Soft cover

Librería: Riverby Books, Fredericksburg, VA, Estados Unidos de America Calificación del vendedor: 5 de 5 estrellas Valoración 5 estrellas, Más información sobre las valoraciones de los vendedores

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A handsome vintage railway publication, featuring the Multiple-Unit Trains and Westinghouse HL Control of the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company. Softcover with brown paper wraps, wonderfully illustrated on the front with a street view and interior of a train. 27 pages. Saddle-stapled binding. Extensively illustrated throughout in black & white with charts, photographs, and technical drawings. Brown kraft-paper covers the exterior of the book, protecting it from further wear and tear. The paper was attached with glue at the spine, including about an inch of the cover, by a previous owner. 625.1, 1912, Westinghouse is written in pencil on the front. The book is in very good condition, with little wear apart from the kraft-paper covers. 625.1 is written in pencil on the top left corner of the front cover. Bumped top right corner. With two holes punches near the spine, through the textblock only not the wraps. The wraps and interior are beautiful, bright and clean. With only light toning to the pages, mostly around the edges. No marks, no writing in the text. A very attractive copy. Features sections titled Two-Car Operation for City and Suburban Travel, Accessibility of HL Control Apparatus, Trailer Operation Versus Multiple-Unit Trains, Double-Car Units in City Service. A very thorough and scarce volume. N° de ref. del artículo Fred-Trade57

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Título: Multiple-Unit Trains and HL Control: A ...
Editorial: Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company
Año de publicación: 1912
Encuadernación: Soft cover
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