Literary Cat Books

Literary Cat Books

31 Heol Maengwyn
Machynlleth, Powys, United Kingdom SY20 8EB

Calificación del vendedor: 4 de 5 estrellas Valoración 4 estrellas, Más información sobre las valoraciones de los vendedores

+44 1654700005

Librería en AbeBooks desde 8 de noviembre de 2005

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Sobre este vendedor

Literary Cat Books & Prints specialises in used, rare & out-of-print books, often of an academic nature or art books including ephemera and exhibition catalogues. We also carry a wide variety of other books and prints though, so please do browse our catalogues. We are always happy to consider any collection, and are especially interested in academic books in physics, mathematics, biology, philosophy, politics, social sciences and history.

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Miembro de asociación

Los miembros de estas asociaciones están comprometidos a mantener los estándares más altos. Ellos garantizan la autenticidad de los artículos que ofrecen a la venta. Tienen descripciones expertas y detalladas, señalan los defectos significativos y/o restauraciones, muestran los precios exactos y llevan a cabo un servicio de imparcialidad y honestidad durante la experiencia de la compra.

Condiciones de venta

All orders of 50 pounds and higher will be shipped with mandatory insurance added.

We make every effort to describe each book or print accurately. However, we accept that an item might not prove to be as you expected it, or has been damaged in transport. We therefore accept returns within 14 days of receipt of the item, upon prior notification. We will provide a full refund upon receipt of the returned item by us.

Condiciones de envío

Orders usually ship within 2/3 business days. Shipping costs are based on books weighing 2.2 LB, or 1 KG. If your book order is heavy or oversized, we may contact you to let you know if extra shipping is required.

Overseas postage will be sent by airmail if you select priority and surface if you select standard postage. Surface mail to the United States or Canada can take up to six weeks, and up to twelve weeks to Australia and New Zealand.

We use only good quality materials and the utmost care when packaging our books to ensure they arrive in the best possible condition.

In the unlikely event that your book does not arrive within the specified shipping period, please feel free to contact us direct. Please provide your name, address and the details of your order.