Hermann L. Strack

Hermann L. Strack

Porzh Herve
Loguivy Plougras, France 22780

Calificación del vendedor: 5 de 5 estrellas Valoración 5 estrellas, Más información sobre las valoraciones de los vendedores

Librería en AbeBooks desde 6 de febrero de 2014

Sobre este vendedor

Dealing in Natural History, Travel & Voyages, Medicine, and Science books. Operating from rural Brittany (France), we have now about 25.000 titles of books, papers and journals in stock. 23.000 of these are on line and every month several hundred are being added.

Buscar en: Hermann L. Strack

Condiciones de venta

We accept orders by mail, telephone or e-mail. All items are offered subject to prior sale.
No VAT is charged. Postage, and bank costs are charged extra.
Payment can be done by bank transfer, VISA, Mastercard and Paypal (costs are charged if any).
Books are sent by surface mail (unless we are instructed otherwise, or if the books exceed 200 euros worth) upon receipt of payment.
Confirmed orders are reserved for 14 days. If payment is not received within that period, we are in liberty to sell tho...

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Condiciones de envío

We ship one or two (working) days after receiving payment.
The postage rates are calculated on the base of one book = one kilo. If a book is heavier, or if it concerns a set of books, there will be a surplus to be payed.
Surface mailing (= normal bookpost) can not be tracked and has no tracking number. Priority mailing is based on registered priority mail and has tracking numbers. Books priced over 200 euro can not be shipped by surface mail (but only by registered mail), unless the client takes full responsability.