Gebrüder Senf's Briefmarken Katalog was the German equivalent of Scott's or Stanley Gibbons' stamp catalogs. This is the 1929 Katalog, and specifically it is the Overseas (foreign and colonial). "Postmarken von ÜBERSEE. Senf's Briefmarken Katalog was published in Leipzig. It provides an excellent reference pertaining to the state of philately in Germany, interwar. // THE TITLE PAGE READS : Gebrüder Senf's Illustrierter Briefmarken-Katalog : Postmarken von Übersee als Brief- und Zeitungsmarken, Paket- und Post-anweisungsmarken, Dienst-, Zahl-, Beistener- und Verrechnungsmarken, sowie alle postlich gebrauchten Stempel- und Telegrafenmarken, einschließlich der Typen, Fehldrucke und Neudrucke - unter Berücksichtigung alier Verschiedenheiten der Zeichnungen, Druck- und Papierfarben, Wasserzeichen, Zähnungen, der Aufdrucke usw. in rund 39500 Nummern mit gegen 3150 erläuternden Bemerkungen sowie mit über 7800 verkleinerten Abbildungen und Aufdruckdarstellungen und mit über 72600 Preisen versehen. APPROXIMATE ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Gebrüder Senf's Illustrated Stamp Catalogue: Post issues from overseas as both mail and newspaper stamps, parcel and post-instruction brands, services, paying, Municipal- and Postal cancellations as well as all postally used stamps and telegraph stamps, including the variants, misprints and reprints - taking into account differences in the drawings, printing and paper colors, watermarks, perforations, imprints, etc. With about 39500 numbers provided, with explanatory notes to 3150 and with over 7800 small images and print representations and with over 72600 prices. // TITLE : Senf's Illustrierter Briefmarken Katalog 1929 Übersee (1929 Stamp Catalog, Overseas Countries) IMPRINT : Gebrüder Senf PLACE : Leipzig DATE : 1928 EDITION : For the year 1929 DESCRIPTIVE : Printed Semi-flexible cloth covered boards published for the trade; contains many small (jpg size) half-tone illustrations ; 1376 pages + 15 pages of ads, printed on pink paper; 3 1/2" x 7 3/4" x 1 1/2" ; printed blue semi-flexible cloth; yellow end-papers are printed with the publisher's ads. CONDITION : A much used and worn copy; foot of spine is frayed and corner tips are bumped - moderate surface rub; hinges are cracked after title page; paper is unavoidably toned (browned); the pink paper used for the ads at the back of the book is particularly fragile and the fore-edges have tears and the such. Over all the interior is clean and unmarked. N° de ref. del artículo 7
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