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Cover has some light edge and corner wear. Previous owner name on title page in pen.; The Biography of George Darling Watt "With each passing year, our debt of gratitude to the men and women who founded a commonwealth in the Valley of the Great Salt Lake, becomes more apparent. George D. Watt, among others, sacrificed his all in order that he might live in religious freedom under the guidance of the Church with which he had become affiliated. He was a man of faith, courage, and determination, for truly it can be said that Mr. Watt rose from the status of a street waif, often knowing the pangs of hunger, to become one of Utah`s outstanding pioneers. This story of his early years in the Church proves him to be a man dedicated to the service of the Lord and his fellowmen. We recall that he was the first man in England to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; that he migrated to America in 1840 to become identified with his co-religionists in Nauvoo, Illinois, and after his expulsion with other Saints from that city, accepted without question, a call from Brigham Young to return to his homeland in order that he might learn shorthand preparatory to his assignment as Church reporter. For many years Mr. Watt traveled with President Young from place to place reporting the procedures of the Church and the spoken words of its leader. His name appears on countless records and is noted by students of history with profound respect for his ability. The reports written by him in the Deseret News, Millennial Star, Juvenile Instructor , and other early Church publications are recognized as authentic and are quoted by every writer of western history. Those interested in history, and the numerous members of the Watt family owe a debt of gratitude to his daughter, Ida Watt Stringham, who has labored so tirelessly to bring forth this volume, and to other members of his family who have given their help and encouragement to accomplish a task which, at first, seemed almost impossible."; 5.5" X 7.25"; 245 pages. N° de ref. del artículo 59624
Título: England's First "Mormon" Convert; The ...
Editorial: Self Published By Author
Año de publicación: 1958
Encuadernación: Hardcover
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