Ecclesiastical Art Section 'Church Plate'. An Address by Mr. A. Baggallay from Messes. Spink & Son Ltd., Delivered for The Southend-on-Sea Arts & Crafts Exhibition in March 1960 + Mottoes on Arms of Companies

Southend-on-Sea Arts & Crafts Exhibition [The offertory (from Medieval Latin offertorium and Late Latin offerre) is the part of a Eucharistic service when the bread and wine for use in the service are ceremonially placed on the altar] Messes. Spink & Son Ltd., [A. Baggallay]

Editorial: Published by Spink & Son Ltd., 17 & 18 Piccadilly, London March . 1960., 1960

Librería: Little Stour Books PBFA Member, Canterbury, Reino Unido

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