Easton's Books, Inc.

Easton's Books, Inc.

701 South 1st Street
Mount Vernon, WA, U.S.A. 98273

Calificación del vendedor: 5 de 5 estrellas Valoración 5 estrellas, Más información sobre las valoraciones de los vendedores

+1 360-336-2066

Librería en AbeBooks desde 30 de agosto de 1998

Sobre este vendedor

Easton's Books was established in 1976 and is family owned and operated. We specialize in top-quality used books in a variety categories. Our open store is located at 701 South 1st Street in downtown Mount Vernon and the phone number is (360) 336-2066.

Buscar en: Easton's Books, Inc.

Condiciones de venta

OUR TERMS: We accept VISA, MASTERCARD, CHECKS AND MONEY ORDERS, and online PayPal payments. We ship all domestic orders using the United States Postal Service (USPS). The cost of domestic MEDIA MAIL POSTAGE is $5.00 (Arrival time is usually 7-14 days). The cost of domestic PRIORITY POSTAGE is $13.00(Arrival time is usually 2-3 days). There is no extra cost for heavy books or multiple volume sets if they are sent via media mail postage. We will ship all INTERNATIONAL orders via USPS AIRMAIL POST ...

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Condiciones de envío

Shipping costs are based on books weighing 2.2 LB, or 1 KG. If your book order is heavy or oversized, we may contact you to let you know extra shipping is required.