Fine Book Cellar Ltd. ABA ILAB PBFA

Fine Book Cellar Ltd. ABA ILAB PBFA

Chelmsford, United Kingdom

Calificación del vendedor: 5 de 5 estrellas Valoración 5 estrellas, Más información sobre las valoraciones de los vendedores

Librería en AbeBooks desde 2 de marzo de 2016

Miembro de asociación:

Sobre este vendedor

Información detallada sobre el vendedor

The prime objective of Fine Book Cellar is to procure the finest first editions for collectors and all those that have enjoyed and taken to heart a particular work of fiction or non-fiction and want to own it in its original form. A considerable amount of time and care is taken to produce the clearest, most detailed photographs and descriptions of our books so that your purchase is as well-informed as it can be; thus ensuring that all purchases can be made with the utmost confidence and that the book-buying process is as rewarding and pleasurable as it should be. All books are carefully and expertly packaged so that they reach you in the exact condition that they were in upon leaving our shelves. We are also a member of the Antiquarian Booksellers' Association (ABA), the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB) and the Provincial Booksellers Fairs Association (PBFA) and adhere to their Code of Ethics. This guarantees our descriptions. All enquiries are welcome, so please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions. Visit our website at

Buscar en: Fine Book Cellar Ltd. ABA ILAB PBFA

Miembro de asociación

Los miembros de estas asociaciones están comprometidos a mantener los estándares más altos. Ellos garantizan la autenticidad de los artículos que ofrecen a la venta. Tienen descripciones expertas y detalladas, señalan los defectos significativos y/o restauraciones, muestran los precios exactos y llevan a cabo un servicio de imparcialidad y honestidad durante la experiencia de la compra.

Condiciones de venta

We try to descibe condition as accurately as possible, but feel free to contact us if further information is required. In the event that the book you receive is not as expected, a full refund can be provided once the book has been returned to us and received safely.

Condiciones de envío

We aim to ship items within one working day or the day an order is received, where possible. All emails should be answered within 24 hours: Mon - Fri. All enquiries welcome.