Angelographia sive pneumata leiturgika [sic] pneumatologia: or, a discourse of angels: their nature and office, or ministry. Wherein is shewed what excellent Creatures they are, and that they are the prime Instruments of God s Providence, and are imploy d about Kingdoms, and Churches, and single Persons, and that under Jesus Christ, who is the Head of Angels as well as Men, and by whose Procurement Angels are Ministring Spirits for sinful Men. Also something touching Devils and Apparitions, and Impulses. With A Practical Improvement of the Particulars handled, and of the whole Doctrine of Angels, especially for the promoting of an Angelical Life. Here such Speculations as some would seem wise in, above what is written, are declined: And suc

Saunders, Richard

Editorial: London: printed for Thomas Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside, near Mercers-Chappel, 1701, 1701
Condición: Good Encuadernación de tapa dura

Librería: Humber Books Ltd, Kingston Upon Hull, Reino Unido

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