Offered is the September 27, 1971 (Vol. 5 No. 4) issue of "The San Francisco Bay Guardian: An Independent Newspaper of Events, Analysis and Opinion" edited and published by Bruce B. Brugmann and published out of San Francisco, California. A folded newspaper, as issued, when unfolded measures 11-1/2" by 17-1/2" and contains 32 pages including front and rear covers (a complete issue). Containing articles, opinion, columns, photos and illustrations, reviews, ads, personals, listings and events, highlights include: cover story S.F.'s rush toward the ultimate highrise: A startling new survey proves skyscrapers gobble up more taxes than they pay (with lengthy report Not only do highrises ravage our city - They also steal our taxes); How to terrorize your local broadcaster for fun and profit by Lorenzo W. Milam; And now, straight from New York, S.F.'s radio and tv lineup written and compiled by Leslie Waddell (nearly two-page table consisting of Station Call Letters, Manager, Ownership; Personnel - Full time only - Programming; Other Interesting Data); It's taller than Transamerica, as tall as the Eiffel Tower, almost as tall as the Empire State Building, but you'll never see it on KRON, KPIX, KGO or KTVU by Merry Blodgett (on the proposed new ABC tower, with photos of three viewpoints); A Guardian survey - Comparison shopping in 22 Bay Area supermarkets; Editorial [Richard] Hongisto for sheriff; With a commune here, and a commune there, Old McDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O by Kenneth Rexroth; Thoughts on the plague by Alec Dubro (on heroin); half-page A conversation with Joan Didion by Elizabeth Fishel. N° de ref. del artículo 014714
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