Partisan Review April. 1949 / William Barrett "A Prize For Ezra Pound" / Milton Klonsky "Along The Midway Of Mass Culture" / Tennessee Williams "Tuesday's Child" (poem) / Edward McGehee "The Photograph's If" / John Berryman "The Poetry Of Ezra Pound" / Lionel Abel "Impressions And Conversations" / Raymond Aron "The Crisis Of The Fourth Republic" / Eleanor Clark "The World Of Jean Genet"

William Phillips and Philip Rahv (Editors) / William Barrett "A Prize For Ezra Pound" / Milton Klonsky "Along The Midway Of Mass Culture" / Tennessee Williams "Tuesday's Child" (poem) / Edward McGehee "The Photograph's If" / John Berryman "The Poetry Of Ezra Pound" / Lionel Abel "Impressions And Conversations" / Raymond Aron "The Crisis Of The Fourth Republic" / Eleanor Clark "The World Of Jean Genet"

Editorial: Partisan Review, 1949
Revista / Publicación Condición: Very Good Encuadernación de tapa blanda

Librería: Shore Books, London, Reino Unido

Calificación del vendedor: 5 de 5 estrellas Valoración 5 estrellas, Más información sobre las valoraciones de los vendedores

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