A reissue of the sheets of the 1790 edition with slight revision of some of the parts. cxx., 773, [3] Pages. no map present. Sections include 'Anecdotes of London', 'House of Peers and House of Commons', 'Navy and Army of Great Britain', 'Royal Court' 'London Directory' 'Trading Companies', ''Law Directory', 'Ecclesiastical Departments' , 'Physical Departments', 'London Carriers', 'Wharves and Vessels', 'Rates of Carmen' , 'London Street Directory''Consolidated Duties and Drawbacks'. etc. Binding split at spine, with losses, wear, soiling, some soiling, spotting internally, with some tape repairs, some contemporary inked otes & marginalia, pp. 469-472 missing, with a contemporary inked explanation. An interesting reference copy. [779] Size: 225mm. x 150mm. N° de ref. del artículo 015759
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Detalles bibliográficos
Título: The universal British directory of trade, ...
Editorial: printed for the patentees, and sold by Champante and Whitrow, London
Año de publicación: 1791
Encuadernación: Quarter Bound
Condición: Fair
Edición: Reissue.
Tipo de libro: Book