In two volumes. First edition. 8vo., orig. tan blind stamped cloth, (xii), 250; (viii), 256pp. Bookplate, library stamp on pastedowns, first page of preface of volume I and the table of contents in volume II, no other library markings; this is in fact, a fine copy in the original cloth. Lucy Aiken [1781-1864] English writer who began her career at an early age while caring for her father. She submitted articles to various journals for publication. Her first book was an anthology "Poetry for Children" published in 1801. In 1810 she published a book of poetry, "Epistles for Women" which showed her to "be a fine poet in the eighteenth century style." Aiken's "Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth" was designed as a new genre, "the manners of the age, the state of literature and the arts, interwoven with as slender a thread of political history as will serve to keep other matters in their places." Aiken also edited writings for her aunt, Anna Barbauld. In addition to her fiction, Aiken wrote memoirs of her father; Elizabeth Benger; Joanna Baillie and the above live of Addison. Aiken's "Life of Addison" was extremely well received, "as Miss Aiken has not left a stone unturned, that her monument to one of our most polished writers and complete minds may be fair, upright and symmetrical. Her book contains the first complete life of Addison ever put forth. As a literary biography, it is a model; and its pages are besides enriched by many hitherto unpublished letters of Addison.". N° de ref. del artículo 12825
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Detalles bibliográficos
Título: The Life of Joseph Addison.
Editorial: London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1843.
Encuadernación: Hardcover
Edición: 1ª Edición