160 pages. "A Manual of information issued annually, containing the only complete list of fishing vessels of Boston, Gloucester, Provincetown, Chatham, New Bedford, Portland, Me., Providence, R.I., Newport, R.I. Stonington, Conn., The New England Coast, New York, Philadelphia, Pensacola, Florida, Galveston, Texas, and Nova Scotia Ports" (from the title page). Green cloth boards with gilt to front. Waterstain to lower corner throughout, no odor. Numerous photographs of ports, ships, buildings and ship captains. Many adverts. The LIST OF VESSELS: their gross and net tonnage, length, breadth and depth, where and when built, and the owners or fitters' names has 52 pages, of which 18 pages are for the Nova Scotia ports: Lunenburg, Halifax, Yarmouth, Digby, Shelburne, and Canso. N° de ref. del artículo Books006673
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