FOUR YEARS IN THE SADDLE. History of the First Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, War of the Rebellion 1861-1865 (1st Ohio Cavalry Regimental History)

Curry, William L.

Editorial: Champlin Printing Co., Columbus, Ohio, 1898
Usado Hardcover

Librería: NorthStar Books, Spokane, WA, Estados Unidos de America Calificación del vendedor: 5 de 5 estrellas Valoración 5 estrellas, Más información sobre las valoraciones de los vendedores

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BOOK DESCRIPTION: Large 8vo, Iv, iii, (13)-401, (50) pgs, plates including illustrations, maps, portraits. Original blue cloth with gilt titled spine. CONDITION DESCRIPTION: Covers are worn and soiled, wear on edges and corners; small dent on top edge; gilt bright. Internal front and rear hinges professionally repaired; pages are a bit age-toned, else clean and tight. With clear, mylar sleeve. CONTENTS DESCRIPTION: William L. Curry enlisted in Company K, 1st Ohio Volunteer Cavalry in 1861 as a first sergeant and received a commission of second lieutenant in 1862. At the end of the year Curry was promoted to first lieutenant and in 1864 he was made captain. The First Ohio Cavalry was organized October 5th, 1861, for three years service. Companies, A and C, were detached and served in Virginia until near the close of the war. The other companies moved with the army through Kentucky and Tennessee, performing scout duty through the summer of 1862. It moved to Louisville in September and south again in October, fighting with the enemy at Bardstown and Perryville. Near Murphreesboro, in December, the Regiment made desperate charges on the Rebels, losing heavily in officers and men. In the summer of 1863, it made successful raids into Georgia and Alabama. It fought at Chickamauga and Mission Ridge, moved to Knoxville, raided in North Carolina, returned and fought Rebel Cavalry, and joined Sherman's Atlanta campaign. In the spring of 1865, it joined the great raid into Alabama capturing Selma and Montgomery, then moved east into Georgia and engaged the enemy until Lee's surrender. The Regiment afterwards garrisoned Georgia and South Carolina until mustered out September 13, 1865. Quite scarce Ohio regimental history, seldom offered for sale; here offered in very good, solid condition. REFERENCES: RYAN #174:" From a literary and historical standpoint, this work stands among the first in Ohio's literary contributions to the history of the Civil War. The author demonstrates in a high degree the faculty of historical narrative and his work shows a power of perspective in describing events that is essential in writing history. He describes the military life of the First Ohio Volunteer Cavalry by campaigns and gives the record of his organization with great detail and accuracy. The reliability of all actions and movements is evidenced by the official orders and records. The interesting personal experiences of camp life and cavalry raids add to the value and attractiveness of the volume. Separate articles by the members and officers of the regiment are included in the history. It is illustrated profusely with maps, and portraits. The military record of the First Ohio Cavalry is remarkable for its efficient and continuous service on the field and raid… In the cavalry arm of the service prudence and caution are qualities that are useless, and the narrative of this regiment with its reckless raids and bold movements reads like a romance." DORN: OH#34. NEVINS I pg. 77: "One of the best regimental studies of Ohio troops; (Curry) incorporated material from a wide variety of sources.". N° de ref. del artículo 0124042

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Título: FOUR YEARS IN THE SADDLE. History of the ...
Editorial: Champlin Printing Co., Columbus, Ohio
Año de publicación: 1898
Encuadernación: Hardcover
Condición: Very Good
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