Schilb Antiquarian, Columbia, MO, Estados Unidos de America
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Vendedor de AbeBooks desde 31 de mayo de 2013
1676 1ed Spanish Saint Ignatius Loyola Spiritual Exercises JESUIT 54 Engravings Ignatius of Loyola was a Spanish priest during the 15th-century, who is remembered for founding the Society of Jesus, or Jesuits. He composed various spiritual exercises, wrote simple meditations and prayers which contributed to the growth of Jesuit doctrine. According to Puhl, these Jesuit devotionals were designed with the intention of helping participants in religious retreats to discern the will of God in their lives. (Puhl, Ignatian Spirituality). Ignatius aimed to have the reader develop spiritual discernment, or the ability to discern between good and evil spirits. This 1676 edition was published in Antwerp by Knobbaert and is notable for its impressive allegorical illustrations throughout! Item number: #21994 Price: $950 IGNATIUS, Saint of Loyola Exercitia spiritualia S.P. Ignatii Loyolae, fundatoris ordinis Societatis Iesu cum bullis pontificum, tum approbationis exercitiorum ; tum indulgentiae plenariae Antuerpiae: Apud Michaelem Knobbaert, sub signo S. Petri, 1676. First edition. Details: Collation: Complete with all pages o 279, [9] o 54 full-page engravings, plus frontispiece and vignette title page Provenance: o Armorial bookplate du Prat de Nonant Motto: SPES MEA DEUS o Stamp Marquis A. T. Du Prat Language: Latin Binding: Leather; tight and secure Size: ~8.25in X 5in (21cm x 12.5cm) Very rare and desirable Our Guarantee: Very Fast. Very Safe. Free Shipping Worldwide. Customer satisfaction is our priority! Notify us with 7 days of receiving, and we will offer a full refund without reservation! 21994 Photos available upon request. N° de ref. del artículo 21994
Título: Exercitia spiritualia S.P. Ignatii Loyolae, ...
Editorial: Michaelem Knobbaert, sub signo S. Petri
Año de publicación: 1676
Encuadernación: Hardcover
Condición: Near Fine
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