ALL FIRST EDITIONS. 8 vols., large folio, 17-5/8" x 14-1/8", limited to 500 numbered copies on Holland paper this being copy #174, illustrated with over 600 heliogravure plates, bound in full red morocco, ribbed gilt decorated spines, cover ruled and paneled in gilt, gilt corner pieces, gilt dentellles, top edges gilt, others uncut, by Leightons, Brewer Street. Minor foxing to firs and last blank leaves, inner and outer hinges fine, head and foot of spines fine, plates clean and bright, ONE OF THE MOST SUMPTUOUS BOUND SETS WE HAVE EVER SEEN WITH AN IMPECCABLE AND DISTINGUISHED PROVENANCE. Provenance: Alfred de Rothschild (1842-1918) the Lady Bamflyde Room, Halton House, Buckinghamshire - Lionel de Rothschild (1882-1942) - Edmund de Rothschild (1916-2009) - The Trustees of Exbury House. Literature: Rothschild Archive, London, Manuscript: 000/174/C/3, Christie, Manson & Woods Probate Valuation of 'The Estate of Alfred C. de Rothschild, Esq. C.V.O. Deceased, Halton House Tring'. 1918. Listed as 'Bode's Rembrandt, 8 vols, £90.0.0.'.'. N° de ref. del artículo 001985
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