377 pp; 439 pp. First U.S. Edition, first printing. Dark blue buckram with gold lettring stamped upper cover and across the spine; fp. with double tissue guard.; blue headbands; t.e.g.; illustrations. Binding near fine with minor rubbing; text near fine with light foxing to tissue guards; spines lightly sunned; includes 2 maps, 8 color plates, 260 Illustrations from photographs by the author. No dust jackets. See additional images provided. Quoting from the Preface: "When I started on the transcontinental journey I did not take Europeans with me. It is not easy to find men who can stand the strain of so long a journey. I was also not surprised, although I was disappointed, not to be able to obtain suitable officers in Brazil to go part of the journey with me, so that I might be relieved of a portion of the tedious scientific work of the expedition, especially taking and computing daily astronomical observations, to which much time has to be devoted. All the work of all kinds eventually fell upon my shoulders, and after departing I found myself filling the posts of surveyor, hydrographer, cartographer, geologist, meteorologist, anthropologist, botanist, doctor, veterinary surgeon, painter, photographer, boat-builder, guide, navigator, etc. ?A complete survey was made of new country between the Araguaya River and the Madeira, including a careful survey of the Arinos River and the river Arinos-Juruena, one of the most powerful tributaries of the Amazon. In the small map, reproduced from the best existing maps, at the end of the first volume, several high mountain ranges, quite as high as the Andes, may be noticed extending from north to south between the rivers Madeira, Tapajoz, Xingu, Araguaya, and Tocantins. Size: Lge. 8vo. 0.0. N° de ref. del artículo 3442
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Detalles bibliográficos
Editorial: Little, Brown, and Co.,
Año de publicación: 1913
Encuadernación: Hardcover
Condición: Near Fine
Edición: 1st Edition