8 x 5 1/2", 32pp. Blue wrappers, printed title label on front cover, some fading of spine, cover edges, cellophane tape marks on lower inner covers, inscribed blank front flyleaf shows some separation from inner front cover. Bookplate of Cleveland, Ohio based publisher (World Publishing) & book collector & author Ben D. Zevin. An address delivered at the Newberry Library, Chicago; November 5th, 1948 before the Society of Typographic Arts on the occasion of the opening of an exhibition of the author's works. Plus a copy of a 9 x 12" (4)pp. printed & illustrated insert "2 Letters In Praise of Progress In the Typographic and the Social Arts" (this has been folded twice to be inserted into the book). With an ALS laid in. Written in a fine italic hand by calligraphic master & English born book illustrator & designer Cleland. On a sheet of 8 1/2 X 11" stationary with T. M. Cleland's address printed at the top (T. M. Cleland R.F.D. 2 Danbury, Conn.). ALS has a 2 1/2" round rubber stamp "Received Jan 28 1952 9:00" partially obscuring the printed address but not any of the calligraphy; folded twice for insertion into the book, small cellophane tape stain in lower right corner, small staple holes near upper left corner. (Text): "January 25, 1952 Dear Mr. Zevin: It was indeed good of you to write me the fine letter I have received from you today, and I am in consequence more than ever glad that I obeyed my impulse to write to Mr. [William] Targ as I did about the excellence of your edition of my friend Paul Bennett's book. Your letter is not only gratifying. but illuminating in that I now understand better than I did why it is possible for a large and consequential publishing house to undertake a monumental project like the Bruce Rogers [World] Bible and also turn out a trade book which is exemplary in its category. The reason lies, of course, in the personal interest and taste of the head of the concern [Zevin]. Your works are sufficient evidence that you are in accord with my views of what is quaintly called 'modernism' in the graphic arts; but I ^ am elated to know that you approve my expression of them as well. Since you like 'Harsh Words' I am sending herewith a more recent printed manifestation of my malevolence on this subject which-if you have not seen it-I hope may also entertain you and be an added support to your own convictions. I sent a copy to Mr. Targ who tells me ^ he had not seen it before; so I have hope you have not. I enclose another item of no importance but which may amuse you. It is printed in what was intended for a travesty on the 'new' typography, but the most amusing thing about it is that many of the 'avant garde' boys took it seriously and thought it good design! Its always unsafe to burlesque a burlesque. Sincerly TMCleland Mr. B.D. Zevin The World Publishing Company Cleveland, Ohio" ALS overall in fine condition. The copy of "Progress" is a presentation copy with an italic inscription & signature at top of front flyleaf: "With kind regard and congratulation to B. D. Zevin TM Cleland January 1952". The humorous insert refered to is the text of 2 letters sent to Donald S. Klopfer, then president of The American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) dated March 15, 1950 & May 1, 1950. It reproduces the 1950 Certificate of Excellence Printing for Commerce Exhibition awarded to Cleland by AIGA & also a repro. of "[.] a genuine hand-wrought leather medal in recognition of the great strides it [AIGA] had made in demolishing the outworn standards of excellence which have impeded the triumphal march of the typographic arts towards new horizons [.]" designed by Cleland. This humorous brochure it quite scarce: "[.] Every detail of this superb example of the printing art [an AIGA exhibition catalogue] shows that it has been carefully planned upon the biblical precept that it is better to give than to receive-i.e., better to give pains than to take pains.". N° de ref. del artículo ABE-58785144
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Detalles bibliográficos
Título: "Progress" In The Graphic Arts & 2 Letters ...
Editorial: Printed in privacy, The Overbrook Press, Stamford, Connecticut, 1949. One of 1000 copies. & self-published (?) insert dated 1950. ALS probably unpublished.
Encuadernación: Soft cover
Condición: Very Good
Ejemplar firmado: Signed by Author(s)
Edición: 1st Edition